![]() | DrPhysicsA YouTube Channel Press here for YouTube main page. Follow me on Twitter: @BobEagle2 |
The YouTube channel contains a series of Physics videos which are intended to give a basic introduction to the subjects covered. They explain the essence of the subject in as simple as way as possible. They assume basic knowledge of algebra and calculus and some general physics. Dr PhysicsA has a BSc (physics) and PhD (nuclear physics) from King's College, London. The videos are organised into playlists (set out below):
A Level Physics Revision
Each playlist contains videos in the order in which they can be best viewed if you want to view the complete set. Alternatively you can select a particular video, although in some cases I may make mention of information derived in another video. In most cases these will be earlier videos in the playlist but occasionally I cross refer to other videos elsewhere on the channel, to avoid too much duplication of material. Some videos appear in more than one playlist.
The material on the YouTube channel ranges from GCSE, through A level to 1st/2nd year university physics degree level.
GCSEs are exams taken in the UK and elsewhere by students generally aged 15-16. There are several Boards which set GCSE exams. My playlist covers material at GCSE Level generally. It does not follow a particular Board's syllabus. It is intended as a revision guide and students can assess whether the material in my videos covers the ground in their own studies.
A (Advanced) Levels are exams taken in the UK and elsewhere by students generally aged 17-18. They are the exams taken immediately before, and the results of which usually determine entrance to university. There are several Boards which set A level exams. My playlist covers material at Advanced Level generally. It does not follow a particular Board's syllabus. Nor does it separate out the AS and A2 level subjects. It is intended as a revision guide and students can assess whether the material in my videos covers the ground in their own studies.
I do not envisage that these videos should replace a course of proper instruction. The GCSE playlist, A Level playlist and associated A level Questions playlist at best form material suitable for revision where the full course has already been taught. Other more advanced videos are intended as a basic introduction to the subject and to provide a more accessible introduction to the material which will be covered in greater depth in a degree course.
The full set of playlists are set out below. Click on the playlist headings below to go to the relevant YouTube playlist from where you will be able to select the appropriate video in the playlist. The videos are listed below in the same order that they appear in the playlists. | |
A Level Physics Revision
Classical Mechanics - A Level Physics
Moments, Torques and Levers - A Level Physics
Momentum in 2D - A Level Physics
Projectile Motion - A Level Physics
Circular Motion - A Level Physics
Friction - A Level Physics
Banked Turns - A Level Physics
Pulleys - A Level Physics
Hooke's Law and Young's Modulus - A Level Physics
Simple Harmonic Motion
Waves - A Level Physics
Electricity - A Level Physics
Potentiometers, Rheostats and Potential Dividers - A Level Physics
Gravitational Fields - A Level Physics
Electric Fields - A Level Physics
Capacitors - A Level Physics
Electromagnetism - Part 1 - A Level Physics
Electromagnetism - Part 2 - A Level Physics
Alternating Current - A Level Physics
Digital Imaging - A Level Physics
Digital Sampling, Signal Spectra and Bandwidth - A Level Physics
Geometric Optics - A Level Physics
Telescopes - A Level Physics
Fluid Dynamics 1 - Archimedes Principle - A Level Physics
Fluid Dynamics 2 - Bernoulli's Principle and Stokes' Law
Thermodynamics - A Level Physics
Superconductivity - A Level Physics
Charge and Mass of an Electron - A Level Physics
Wave Particle Duality - A Level Physics
The Sum over Paths Theory - A Level Physics
Atomic Structure - A Level Physics
An Introduction to Logic Gates
The nuclear radius - A Level Physics
Nuclear Physics - A Level Physics
Nuclear Fission and Radioactivity - Part 1 of 3
Nuclear Fission and Radioactivity - Part 2 of 3
Nuclear Fission and Radioactivity - Part 3 of 3
Nuclear Fusion - Part 1 of 2
Nuclear Fusion - Part 2 of 2
Elementary Particles - A Level Physics
Exchange Particles and Feynman Diagrams - A Level Physics
Star Classification - A Level Physics
Parallax - A Level Physics
Olbers' Paradox - A Level Physics
Hubble, Big Bang and The Age of the Universe - Part 1
Hubble, Big Bang and The Age of the Universe - Part 2
Hubble, Big Bang and The Age of the Universe - Part 3
From the Big Bang to Now
How Big is the Universe? Part 2 of 2
How Big is the Universe? Part 1 of 2
Special Relativity - A Level Physics
Sensors: Direct sensing - A Level Physics
Sensors: Direct Sensing - A Level Physics Part 2
X Rays - A Level Physics
CT (Computed Tomography) Scans - A Level Physics
Ultrasound and Magnetic Resonance Imaging - A Level Physics
Telecommunications - A Level Physics |
GCSE Physics Revision
Speed, Velocity, Acceleration & suvat: GCSE revision
Newton's Laws of Motion: GCSE revision
Work & Energy: GCSE revision
Power: GCSE revision
Momentum: GCSE revision
Turning Forces: GCSE revision
Archimedes' Principle: GCSE revision
Hydraulics: GCSE revision
Circular Motion: GCSE revision
Projectile Motion: GCSE revision
Static Electricity: GCSE revision
Ohm's Law V = I R: GCSE revision
Electric Circuits in Series: GCSE revision
Electric Circuits in Parallel: GCSE revision
Electrical Power: GCSE revision
Potential Dividers: GCSE revision
Magnetic Fields and Motors: GCSE revision
Electromagnetic Induction and Generators: GCSE revision
Transformers: GCSE revision
Alternating Current, National Grid and Domestic Electricity: GCSE revision
Rectifiers and Capacitors: GCSE revision
Waves - properties: GCSE revision
Refraction: GCSE revision
Diffraction, Interference & Polarisation: GCSE revision
Electromagnetic Waves: GCSE revision
Optical Lens: GCSE revision
Heat and Energy: GCSE revision
Changing States of Matter: GCSE revision
Specific Heat: GCSE revision
Energy Transfer and Efficiency: GCSE revision
Gas laws: GCSE revision
Atomic Structure: GCSE revision
Radioactivity and Radiation: GCSE revision
Use of Radiation and Radiation Safety: GCSE revision
Half Life: GCSE revision
Nuclear Fission: GCSE revision
Nuclear Fusion: GCSE revision
Particle accelerators: GCSE revision
The origin of the universe: GCSE revision
Life Cycle of Stars: GCSE revision
The Solar System: GCSE revision
Gravity and Satellites: GCSE revision
The Universe: GCSE revision
X-rays: GCSE revision
Sound & Ultrasound: GCSE revision
Heart, ECG and pulse oximetry: GCSE revision
Logic gates: GCSE revision
Analogue and digital signals: GCSE revision
Energy sources: GCSE revision
Humans and the environment: GCSE revision
Seismic waves and infra sound: GCSE revision
The scientific process: GCSE revision
A Level Physics Exam Questions Examples
AS Physics Exam Questions: Classical Mechanics
AS Physics Exam Question: Electricity
AS Physics Exam Question: Materials
AS Physics Exam Questions: Waves
AS Physics Exam Questions: Quantum Phenomena
A2 Physics Exam Questions: Classical Mechanics
A2 Physics Exam Questions: Fields
A2 Physics Exam Questions: Capacitance
A2 Physics Exam Questions: Electromagnetism
A2 Physics Exam Questions: Quantum, Nuclear, Particles
A2 Physics Exam Questions: Thermal Physics |
Atomic Physics
Atomic Physics 1: Quantum Numbers
Atomic Physics 2: Bonding
Atomic Physics 3: Semiconductors, Diodes and Transistors
Electricity & Magnetism
Electricity - A Level Physics
Electric Fields - A Level Physics
Electromagnetism - Part 1 - A Level Physics
Electromagnetism - Part 2 - A Level Physics
Capacitors - A Level Physics
Capacitors and Dielectrics
Transformers and effect of eddy currents
Superconductivity - A Level Physics
Maxwell's Equations - Basic derivation
Alternating Current - A Level Physics
Resistance, Reactance and Impedance
What is light?
The Poynting Vector
The Fresnel Equations
Interaction of EMR with metals
Wave guides
Absorption of EM radiation
What causes a rainbow
Particle Physics
The Standard Model
Particle Interactions, QED and QCD: An Introduction - Part 1
Particle Interactions, QED and QCD: An Introduction - Part 2
Particle Interactions, QED and QCD: An Introduction - Part 3
Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle - Part 1 of 2
Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle - Part 2 of 2
Higgs Boson and Higgs Field
Particle Physics 1: Introduction
Particle Physics 2: Creation and Annihilation Operators and Mass
Particle Physics 3: Angular Momentum and Spin
At this stage in this series, for completeness you should watch the videos earlier in this playlist on:
Particle Physics 4: Rotation Operators, SU(3)xSU(2)XU(1)
Particle Physics 5: Basic Introduction to Gauge Theory and Symmetry
Particle Physics 6: Particles & Supersymmetry
Thermodynamics - A Level Physics
Entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics
Blackbody radiation and the UV Catastrophe - Part 1 of 3
Blackbody radiation and the UV Catastrophe - Part 2 of 3
Blackbody radiation and the UV Catastrophe - Part 3 of 3 |
Nuclear Physics
Nuclear Structure Physics
The nuclear radius - A Level Physics
The Semi Empirical Mass Formula
Strength of Nuclear Force
Nuclear Spin
Nuclear Scattering & Spin
Shape of the Nuclear Potential
The Nuclear Shell Model: An Introduction
Spin Orbit Coupling
Extreme Single Particle Model
The Collective Model
Nuclear Fission and Radioactivity - Part 1 of 3
Nuclear Fission and Radioactivity - Part 2 of 3
Nuclear Fission and Radioactivity - Part 3 of 3
Alpha particle decay
Beta particle decay
Gamma Decay
Nuclear Reactions
Why don't all heavy elements decay to Fe56
Fission continued
Nuclear Fission Reactor Principles
Nuclear Fission Reactor Design
Nuclear Fusion - Part 1 of 2
Nuclear Fusion - Part 2 of 2
Nuclear Fusion (Continued)
Nuclear Fusion Reactor
Nuclear Fusion In Stars
Classical Mechanics
Classical Mechanics - A Level Physics
Projectile Motion - A Level Physics
Circular Motion - A Level Physics
Momentum in 2D - A Level Physics
Friction - A Level Physics
Pulleys - A Level Physics
Gravitational Fields - A Level Physics
Analytical Mechanics
Dynamics of Rigid Rotating Bodies: Part 1 of 3
Dynamics of Rigid Rotating Bodies: Part 2 of 3
Dynamics of Rigid Rotating Bodies: Part 3 of 3
Special & General Relativity
Special Relativity and E=mc^2 - Part 1 of 5
Special Relativity and E=mc^2 - Part 2 of 5
Special Relativity and E=mc^2 - Part 3 of 5
Special Relativity and E=mc^2 - Part 4 of 5
Special Relativity and E=mc^2 - Part 5 of 5
General Relativity: An Introduction - Part 1 of 2
General Relativity: An Introduction - Part 2 of 2
Moving through Spacetime
Curved (Warped) Spacetime
Einstein Field Equations - for beginners!
How Elements are made
Hubble, Big Bang and The Age of the Universe - Part 1
Hubble, Big Bang and The Age of the Universe - Part 2
Hubble, Big Bang and The Age of the Universe - Part 3
From the Big Bang to Now
How Big is the Universe? Part 1 of 2
How Big is the Universe? Part 2 of 2
Dark Matter and Galaxy Rotation
Dark Energy
Black Holes - An Introduction
Quantum Mechanics
Schrodinger Equation - A simple derivation
The Wave Function
Double & Single Slit Experiments and Diffraction Gratings
Solving Schrodinger for a Hydrogen Atom (cheating) - Part 1
Solving Schrodinger for a Hydrogen Atom (cheating) - Part 2
Solving Schrodinger for a Hydrogen Atom (cheating) - Part 3
The reason for Quantum Mechanics - Part 1 of 3
The reason for Quantum Mechanics - Part 2 of 3
The reason for Quantum Mechanics - Part 3 of 3
An Introduction to Quantum Mechanics Schrodinger Equation for Free Particle and Particle in a Box Part 1 Schrodinger Equation for Free Particle and Particle in a Box Part 2 Schrodinger Equation for Free Particle and Particle in a Box Part 3
Blackbody radiation and the UV Catastrophe - Part 1 of 3
Blackbody radiation and the UV Catastrophe - Part 2 of 3
Blackbody radiation and the UV Catastrophe - Part 3 of 3
The Einstein Podolsky Rosen (EPR) Paradox - A simple explanation
Bell's Inequality
Schrodinger's Cat
Standing (Stationary) Waves
Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein statistics - basic introduction
Quantum Mechanics Concepts: 1 Dirac Notation and Photon Polarisation
Quantum Mechanics Concepts: 2 Photon Polarisation (continued)
Quantum Mechanics Concepts: 3 Electron Spin
Quantum Mechanics Concepts: 4 Position, Momentum and Heisenberg
Quantum Mechanics Concepts: 5 The EPR Paradox explanation
Quantum Mechanics Concepts: 6 Energy Operators, the Hamiltonian and Schrodinger
Quantum Mechanics Concepts: 7 The Harmonic Oscillator
Miscellaneous Click on individual videos below:
Vector Algebra - Addition, Subtraction and Dot & Cross Products
Planck Units - Part 1 of 3
Planck Units - Part 2 of 3
Planck Units - Part 3 of 3