Up to date details about forthcoming radio shows can be found on my
Facebook and
Twitter and
pages which provide alerts to when programmes are about to start.If the Twitter window below says "Nothing to see here yet" you can click on the Twitter link to go to the actual Twitter page.
23 December 24
I am delighted to say that I now do two Drivetime shows per week on Bognor Radio Respect. Usually LIVE. Tuesdays and Thursdays. 5-7pm.
15 November 24
I am delighted to have been offered the opportunity to present the Thursday Drivetime program on Bogner Radio Respect. It will run from 5 till 7 pm. I'm particularly pleased to join this Station because they have a special focus on Mental Health issues. I've long benn concerned about the increasing mental health issues among all age groups and especially among young people. So being given the opportunity of being positive and uplifting and helping those who might be struggling is something I've wanted to do for some time. So I'm absolutely delighted. Hope to see you live on Drivetime. 5-7pm on Thursdays.
2 January 24
Happy New Year t'ya all. Just to remind you that in addition to listening live you can now catch up with my 10 most recent Hits of the 60s shows on Venture Radio. They can be found on
20 November 23
I've uploaded my 14 November Hits of the 60s show on Venture Radio. I hope to make the shows available on a weekly basis if you didn't catch it when broadcast. We're into catch up now.
Hits of the 60s - 14 Nov 23
17 November 22
I've been toying with TikTok. Once again my user name is @bobeagleradio. I am at least consistent. Not sure how I'll use it but I'm experimenting with some more animated videos. Let's see where it goes.
12 November 22
Just reactivated my Instagram account which will also give advance notice of my forthcoming programmes. Just set up the first set of square ads to appear during the next week. Look out for the animated gifs - especially at Christmas!
26 June 22
Summer's here. We've passed the solstice and the nights are drawing in. It'll soon be Christmas! Some will have noticed that I am putting daily pics of my garden on my social media pages alongside ads for my radio shows. There's so much vitriol on social media these days. I just thought that when people were scrolling along they might come across a nice picture of flowers and perhaps it might make them feel a bit better after scrolling through all the negative stuff. And good on all of you who make positive contributions on social media aiming to build up rather than tear down.
16 June 22
Hold the front page. My Sunday afternoon Songs of Praise show has now been moved back to its original time of 5pm. As you were!
11 June 22
I'm delighted that the live Sunday Service from the chapel is soon to return to Eastbourne Hospital Radio DGH on Sunday 19 June at 3pm after an absence of two years due to covid restrictions. A local church, with its congregation, will broadcast directly from the DGH chapel on Sunday afternoon. It's been a pleasure to provide replacement programmes while the covid restrictions were in force. And I'm equally delighted that my Songs of Praise programme on Radio DGH will continue permanently in a new slot on Sunday afternoons. So from Sunday 19 June my Songs of Praise show will go out from 5.30 - 6pm. Hope you can join me.
15 May 22
So I've done yet another upgrade to the website to make it more symmetrical. And you may have seen that for a while at least I'm putting a daily picture from my garden up on Twitter. Given all that's going on in the news, a few pictures of calm serenity can't go amiss.
3 May 22
I've been doing some more work on my web site, fine tuning the main site with some fancy Java programming and repairing lots of broken links (of which there were rather a lot) in my associated sites. There are now links to:
Very pleased with the outcome.
26 Apr 22
To those who ask if I plan to make any more Physics videos, the answer is that at the moment I have no plans to do so. I made all the videos I wanted to make which I hope cover the broad introduction to the subject. I also hope that they will serve as useful revision material for some time to come. Newton's Laws don't change - and I can't see a time in the foreseeable future when they wouldn't be part of a Physics course. If I have managed to explain complex subjects in a helpful way for at least some then I regard my mission as having been fulfilled.
26 Apr 22
With regard to my YouTube Physics videos, I am enormously grateful to everyone who has watched them and sent such gracious comments. To date there have been nearly 28 million views and over 300,000 subscribers. They are, of course, entirely free to watch.
I hope you understand that, apart from the very kind comments, I get a large number of questions and regrettably I cannot respond to them all. All such messages are automatically placed in a folder and I try to look at some of them from time to time try to respond to a few. Please accept my apologies if you don't get a reply. But I do appreciate all the generous comments I receive. If you have a specific question about one of my videos I suggest you might want to post it in the comments section of that video. It may well be that someone else will be able to reply. From what I can see, many of those who comment are far better qualified to do so than I.
26 Apr 22
Thanks for visiting my updated website. I've tried to give a flavour of what I've been doing and what I'm up to now. I do appreciate your company for my radio programmes and the very kind comments which I receive.
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