You can get up to date information on how things are going on Bob's Facebook Site or on Bob's Twitter page
April 2013
And another quarter has gone. Has quickly the time flies. My first concert in January was postponed because of the snow and will now take place in April. I performed a most enjoyable concert of songs from the sixties to the Kingscote WI in February. It was their "Not the Christmas Lunch" celebration. A number of WIs do this. There are so many events and Christmas lunches in December that they have had the brilliant idea of postponing their own Christmas lunch till January or even February when there is much less going on. In March I gave a concert to another WI based on the crooners. Frank, Perry, Tony, Johnny, Bing, Nat, Frankie, Ken and Bette. It went down very well. I've been putting together several 2 hour shows (including interval) so I have them available and in the bag. They are "Songs of Swing", "Songs from the Sixties", "Songs from the Shows", "Good Old Days" and "Christmas Celebration". And I'm working on another one on "Songs from the Crooners". Of course, I can also do a mix and match. But with these shows I'm available at a moment's notice as it were. I'm looking forward to more concerts in the Spring and Summer. More news next time. Till then, take care. Bob.
January 2013
Well that's 2012 over. Where did it go? I had a great time performing with my mate John Mann in Hove. He played a range of pieces on the Eminent Theatre Organ and then accompanied me for a selection of songs - and I accompanied myself on the piano for a few. John and I even did a keyboard duet. Then I did a piano and vocal performance at the Tiger Arts, Lindfield lunchtime concert. It was well attended and I sang a wide range of songs which seemed to go down well. Then it was on to the Christmas programme. I did two performances at venues where I had given Christmas concerts before. Back by popular demand! I change the programme a bit but left the old favourites in. Well you've got to have Jingle Bells haven't you? I also performed for the Bexley Townswomen's Guild Christmas lunch. Then I had the pleasure of being the MC at the concert of the Crawley Millennium Concert Band and the Horsham Christian Singers. All concerts went well. We celebrated a great Christmas with the rare treat of having all the family together. I wish you all well in 2013. Bob
October 2012
It's been a good summer, performance wise if not weather wise. I performed at a couple of Holiday at Home events laid on for older people who aren't going away on holiday. Very enjoyable and well attended. At one event they had rigged up a full size sailing boat. I performed for WIs and at a very nice garden party for those with dementia and their carers. It was a lovely sunny afternoon and they had rigged up a tent for me to perform under. I performed at a couple of Cafe Church events. And now the winter is fast approaching and I turn my attention on the Christmas events. First I look forward to performing with my old mate John Mann, the brillian theatre organist. Then on to the Christmas performances. I always start rehearsing in June. Just a quick sing through to dust off the songs. I sing them about once a month for the next 3 months and really get going in October and November. So now I'm raring to go. Christmas is my favourite time so I usually start with the song "It's the most wonderful time of the year." I hope you all have a great Christmas and a good new year. All the best, Bob.
July 2012
Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't this supposed to be summer? The rain has been a bit heavy lately. But I've performed a number of very enjoyable concerts in the last quarter. I did a full concert show at Cafe Studio, part of Lantern Arts in Raynes Park in May. It was a great evening. I performed songs from the swing era in the first half and songs from the sixties in the second half. Then on 3 June I had the pleasure of performing at a Jubilee concert at my local Torch Trust, for blind and partially sighted people. We had a good sing-song with songs from the good old days. It was on the same afternoon as the Thames river pageant. But although it poured with rain in London, at the garden party at which I performed in Sussex it was fine. The sun even put in an appearance. Early in July I had the pleasure of performing for a 60th birthday celebration. Once again I did a set of songs from the 60s to coincide with the teenage years of the birthday girl. And I managed to get two or three of those at the party to get up and do a turn, including a song which continually went up in key by leaps and bounds, Roll out the Barrel, and Moon River. Good time had by all. Over the summer I am looking forward to performing at some Holiday at Home events. I wish you all a good summer. Let's hope the sun shines for at least part of it. All good wishes Bob
April 2012
And its spring again. Soon be time to dust off the Christmas programmes. The big news in this quarter is that I have become a grandad again for the third time. Samuel Thomas Eagle weighed in at 8lb 8oz at 3.25pm on 23 February. As he lives in the north of Scotland we haven't actually seen him in the flesh yet, but hope to put that right very soon. I've enjoyed singing a few concerts in this quarter. I did a "Songs from the Shows" concert in Aldwick, near Bognor Regis in January. Then in February I was the guest Cabaret artist at the Inner Wheel dinner. I sang a range of songs from the 40s, 50s and 60s with plenty of audience participation. In March I enjoyed a return visit to the Corthorne WI for their 23rd birthday party and a splendidly warm afternoon. I sang a range of songs from the crooners (Perry Como, Frank Sinatra, Bing Crosby, Matt Monro and even Frankie Vaughan and Ken Dodd! At the end of March I was the guest of the Hendon Folk Club based at the Hendon Salvation Army. I am not, of course, fundamentally a folk singer but I gave them my "Fun Gospel Music Show" and it seemed to go down really well. It has gospel songs and songs which aren't gospel songs but could so easily be. A bit of country, a bit of rock, a lot of jazz and ballads and a Dillon song as an authentic folk contribution. I'm looking forward to more concerts next quarter including another return visit to Cafe Studio in Raynes Park in May and, of course, getting to see my new grandson. I'll let you know how it all went in the next update although you can get up to date news from my Facebook page. Bob
January 2012
Happy New Year to all. I hope you all had a good Christmas. I had another busy Christmas this year. In November I had the immense pleasure of performing with Robin Littler and Anne Shore at Cheam. They are both friends from my London Emmanuel Choir days. We did a concert called "Keyboards in Konversation". Robin played a number of organ solos. We did a couple of keyboard duets and Robin accompanied me for a number of solos. It was so nice to have a live accompaniment. Annie rounded it all off with some delightful flute solos. It was a great evening. I had some photographs taken professionally for publicity purposes. You can see the results on this site. I think they have come out really well. Over Christmas I was involved in six concerts as well as playing for my local Carols By Candlelight and appearing as a Wise Man in the nativity play!!. I did a full concert at Alfold Village Hall at the invitation of Alfold Chapel. I sang a wide range of Christmas Carols but all with different modern rhythms. I also did three performances for WIs in the West Sussex area. And I had the chance to sing with the Crawley Millennium Concert Band at their concert in Horsham. It was great thrill to sing "White Christmas" with a full swing band accompaniment. Finally, I did a full concert for a day centre where we had singing, dancing and hand-jiving. Good time had by all. I've already got a fair few bookings for performances in 2012 which I am looking forward to. We kick off near Bognor on 19 January. Meanwhile - renewed good wishes for a great year. Bob
October 2011
Well, the grandson is doing very well and is a frequent visitor. I've had some good gigs over the summer. One highlight was performing in cabaret at the 30 year celebration of the John Mann Appreciation Society at the Eastbourne Winter Gardens. John Adams was also on the bill. He is a brilliant accordionist and has been my special guest for the music shows I performed in association with the Horsham Partnerships for Older People. I've performed a couple of Cafe Church events and have performed at Holiday at Home events for older folk. I'm looking forward to teaming up with my London Emmanuel Choir pal, Robin Littler, on 19 November when we are giving a concert called "Keyboards in Konversation". He will be doing organ and piano solos. I'll be joining him for a couple of duets and I'll be singing a set of songs with Robin accompanying. It will be good to have live accompaniment instead of backing tracks. And as a special treat we will be joined by Anne Shore, also from the London Emmanuel Choir, playing delightfully on her flute. Then I am gearing up for my big Christmas concert in Alfold Village Hall on Saturday 3 December at 3.30pm (admission - free) at the invitation of Alfold Chapel. I shall be doing a programme of popular carols but all in my own style. Expect a bit of jazz, rock and even Elvis! Have a great Christmas and New Year. Bob
July 2011
And the big news is that I have become a grandad again. My grandson, Matthew, was born on 6 July, the son of Debbie and Ben. We've had lots of nice cuddles. I've also enjoyed performing in a variety of settings. I was delighted to go back to my old haunt of Streatham to perform for a 60th wedding anniversary celebration. I did a "Good Old Days" concert in a huge marquee. Extracts are on YouTube. Then out of the blue I got a phone call to ask if I could perform in Copmanthorpe, near York, as part of the flower festival. It was a really great evening, with a lot of very appreciative comments. I've got some good gigs coming up. In particular I'm looking forward to performing in cabaret at the 30 year celebration of the John Mann Appreciation Society. John is an old mate; a brilliant theatre organist who is much in demand around the country and who gives a delightful summer season in Worthing every year. I often drop along for an afternoon of most enjoyable music. I'm also doing a couple of Cafe Church events and Holiday at Home entertainment for older folk. I'll let you know how it all goes. Have a great summer. Bob
April 2011
It's been a good start to the year. I performed a lunchtime concert at Tiger Arts, Lindfield as part of their monthly concert season. I sang a number of my own songs and accompanied myself on the piano. I performed a "Songs from the Shows" for a WI and have been asked back again next year. I was a guest artiste at the BRBC's Got Talent in Horsham and I participated in a Cafe Church event where, among other things I sang a Bob Marley song: "Don't worry about a thing". I sang at a Golden Wedding celebration with a series of songs from the 50s and 60s and some classics. And I am writing a children's Christmas Musical to be performed at Buckie Baptist Church this Christmas. Till the next time ... Bob
January 2011
And once again it is time to wish you all a very happy new year. I hope you had a great Christmas. I performed a number of shows in the autumn session including a Christmas show in Horsham which was really well attended - particularly so given that only the week before we had been under several inches of snow and I wondered at one stage whether anybody would be able to get to the venue. I also performed three other Christmas concerts as well as playing for carol services. I am looking forward to a programme of concerts in 2011. In particular I have been invited to give a lunchtime concert in Lindfield in February. Details on the "Performance Diary" page. As ever, I try to put up to date news on my Facebook page together with photos and video clips of recent performances. Enjoy the new year! Bob
October 2010
Hi to all. Hope you had a good summer. I've been busy as usual. I have just finished my September series of shows performed in association with Horsham Partnerships for Older People. They went very well and we got some really great feedback from the audience. Unfortunately because of the financial cuts that are having to be made in central and local government, the Horsham Partnerships for Older People has not been funded beyond September which means I shall lose the incredibly helpful work which they did. But I was very grateful for all the opportunities they gave me. I sang for two hours on the Horsham Bandstand in the town centre on Saturday 25 September as part of an event which was advertising the "Life is for Living" day organised for older people. We had them singing along in the Carfax. I did a show for a harvest celebration. And I performed for a "Holiday at Home" event. All good fun. We had the chance to go up to Scotland to see my grand-daughter who is doing really well. That was great. I am already planning for the autumn gigs including the Christmas season which is fast approaching and my special Christmas show on 7 December in Horsham. Till the next time, keep the music playing. Bob
July 2010
Well hello and I hope you are having a good summer. I have just completed a new series of "POP" shows in June. We performed in five venues in the Horsham area and I was delighted to have David Sheldon as my special guest once again. He plays the trumpet and flugal horn. I was very pleased to be asked to be the musical director for "Guys n Dolls", a pop group from the 1970s, who reformed for one performance at the Petleys art gallery in Mayfair back in April. One of their members is now a fine sculptor in bronze and was holding an exhibition. The members of the group all reformed to give the event that added sparkle. I also enjoyed performing at my home church in April at Pier Avenue, Clacton-on-Sea. It was a great evening and I included the song "The sun has got his hat on". An added pleasure was seeing my headmaster again who, with his wife, was in the audience. My grand-daughter Hannah is still doing very well. We have been up to see her and she is fabulous! I've got a relatively easy summer ahead, but already planning for the next series of POP shows in September and a big Christmas shows on 7 December in Horsham. Hope to see you at some of these events. Till the next time, keep singing. Bob
April 2010
Hi again.Its been a busy quarter. The weather (remember all the snow in January) meant I had to cancel the first two shows of the year. But I've since done a number of private bookings and another series of the Bob Eagle Music Show working in association with Horsham Partnerships for Older People. We took shows to Horsham, Henfield, Storrington and Steyning. They all went very well. I introduced one song which I played on my new autoharp. And I let the audience make requests during the interval for songs I can sing or play in the second half - provided I know them of course. We are planning a further series in June and September with a big Christmas show in December. I was also delighted to be asked to perform at the wedding of David Van Day and Sue Moxley on 21 February. I got a mention in OK Mag for that! And to top it all, on 4 March I became a grandfather for the first time. Hannah is doing very well. I'm looking forward to performing in my old home town of Clacton-on-Sea in April. Hope to see some of you at my concerts. Till the next time - all good wishes
January 2010 - Gosh! Is it really ten years since we saw in the new millennium?
Hi there - Happy New Year. Hope you had a great Christmas.
I performed 8 Christmas shows which all went well. December is a busy month for me. But also very enjoyable. On a personal note I was delighted to be able to lead the sing-song at my aunt's 100th birthday party on 28 December. She loves a good sing-song and joined in with gusto! I was very honoured to be invited to be the guest conductor again for the Singspiration Christmas Carol concert in Staines on 19 December. I had mixed feelings. On the one hand it was a delight and pleasure to meet up with the choir again - and we had a really good evening. On the other hand the reason I was asked to step in was because their permanent musical director had a very serious heart attack back in November. I am glad to say he is now well on the way to recovery. The 4 "Bob Eagle Music Shows" I performed in the Horsham area in November went very well and seemed to be very well received. Working with Horsham Partnerships for Older People, we have now fixed dates for a new tour in March. Details are on the Performance Diary. And we are planning further tours in June and September and a big Christmas show next December. I am looking forward to performing more "Good Old Days" shows with David Van Day and Sue Moxley in the near future and I have a good programme of bookings for my solo shows up to the Spring. Remember you can keep even more up to date with my news on my Facebook page. And I often put video extracts of my shows on my YouTube page. Every good wish for the new year.
October 2009
Hello again
There are two items of great news that I wanted to share with you. First, working in association with Horsham Partnerships for Older People, I am performing a series of 4 shows in the Horsham area on Tuesday afternoons in November.It's part of the initiative to take services to older people so that they can see a show in their own village hall without having to travel too far. The shows are open to all, of whatever age. After all we're all older than someone! But they are designed very much with the older person in mind. The shows will feature songs from the shows, the good old days, the big band era and the sixties. Hope to see some of you there. Details are on the Performance Diary page. Secondly, out of the blue I was invited to be musical director and performer with David Van Day and Sue Moxley as part of their "Good Old Days" show put on to benefit the Alzheimer's Society. David, as many of you will know, was part of the Guys and Dolls group, then Dollar, then Bucks Fizz and most recently appeared on "I'm a celebrity get me out of here". Sue is the beauty editor of the Sun newspaper and also presents a TV programme "So would you dump me now?" on Sky TV. It was great to be part of the show. And there are likely to be more to come. Meanwhile my other performances continue. I have performed for retirement groups, given a "Good Old Days" performance for a "Holiday at Home" group and done another Songs of Faith show, all of which went very well. And I'm gearing up for the Christmas shows. Plenty to do. You can keep even more up to date with my news on my Facebook page. All good wishes to you all.
July 2009
Hi there.
Another 3 months have passed with several good concerts. I have performed for a number of WIs, given a gospel concert, and performed at retirement homes. I also did a 2 hour Easter concert for a day centre in Woking. I continue to make videos for YouTube and I enjoyed recording a number of Scottish folk songs when I spent some time in the Scottish Highlands recently - overlooking the Moray Firth. I took the opportunity to go on a sound recording course so I could get the best sound for the YouTube videos as possible. I hope you notice the difference! Concerts are now being booked into 2010. It feels odd to be getting bookings for Christmas 2010 when we aren't even near this Christmas yet. I hope I get to see some of you at some of my concerts over the summer and autumn. All good wishes to you all.
April 2009
Well, hello again. The year kicked off with a great concert at Cafe Studio. It was a mixture of songs from the swing era, the shows and the 60s. Thanks to all who came and supported me. I did some shows for women's groups, including the WI. I did two gospel shows which went extremely well and which I very much enjoyed. I was also asked to conduct the Singspiration choir at a special event at Westminster Chapel. The choir sang only one song, a piece which I had written called "Amazing Love", but at the end, before I had taken them off the final chord, the crowd were roaring their approval, with cries of "more". I've got a public performance of a fun gospel show (which will be a mixture of entertainment and gospel songs) at Greenfields Baptist Church, Crawley on Saturday 25 April at 7.30pm. It would be good to see you there.
Until next time - all good wishes.
January 2009
Hi there. The good news is that I'm pretty much fully back to normal now - which may be good or bad depending on how you look at it! The medication I took for the flare up in my old medical condition did the business and I was able to resume my shows in mid-November. The Christmas programme went very successfully. I gave 8 concerts and I was also invited to be guest conductor at the Christmas concert of the Singspiration Choir based in Staines. The Cafe Studio gig on 23 January is fast approaching and it would be great to see you there. (See Performance Diary for details). I have a good programme of gigs booked for 2009 which I am very much looking forward to.
Happy new year
October 2008
I'm very sorry to say that I've had to cancel my concerts in October due to a flare up of an old medical condition (non-contagious). I hate having to let people down but there really was no way I could do the shows. Sorry to all those I have disappointed. The good news is that the medication is kicking in well and I hope to be fully fit for November and the full Christmas programme. I was able to perform in the earlier part of the quarter. In particular my sister's 25th wedding anniversay show and another performance I did for a 50th wedding anniversay both went splendidly. I mentioned before that I have been booked for Cafe Studio at the Lantern Arts in Raynes Park on Friday 23 January 2009. Its open to all. See the Performance Diary page for more details.
With best regards
July 2008
Well here we are. It's summer again. I've had a very busy quarter. One of the hilights was performing in the church I attended in my youth in Clacton-on Sea, my home town. And the cherry on the cake was that my headmaster was in the audience along with my ever youthful aunt (98 going on 21) and cousins and friends. I did the cabaret at a gala dinner to help raise funds for the Dalesdown project in West Sussex and performed in a number of retirement and nursing homes. And I performed at a special VE day celebration in Woking, where the mayor was present. I have also become the featured artist on another internet Christian radio station (BBMI). I'm on duty at my sister's 25th wedding anniversay later this month, so I'd better be on good form!
All good wishes
PS Just to say that I have been booked for Cafe Studio at the Lantern Arts in Raynes Park on Friday 23 January 2009. Its open to all. So do book the date in your diary! It would be great to see you there. See the Performance Diary page for more details.
April 2008
Hi there. Spring is here - hopefully. I've enjoyed being the guest entertainer at a number of WI meetings in Sussex so far this year - usually to celebrate a major birthday of the particular federation group. I have also performed in retirement homes including the one where I gave my very first concert of this type. I am also looking forward to performing two cabarets at special gala dinners in the near future. And I have been booked to help celebrate VE Day in Woking on 8 May. My performance in Clacton on Saturday 17 May (The Fun Gospel Music Show) is open to the public so it would be good to see any of you there. The CDs are selling well at all my concerts and I have had good feedback on them.
Best wishes
January 2008
Happy new year t' y' all. Hope you had a great Christmas. I did 8 Christmas concerts. Four of them were for church groups, three were for retirement homes and one was for the Horsham Townswomen's Guild. All went very well from my point of view - and hopefully theirs! 2008 brings a new dimension in my performances as I begin performing for a number of Women's Institutes. I am looking forward to the first of these in January when I attend the 90th anniversary celebrations of the Handcross WI. I shall perform a programme of songs "though the years". My CD is selling well and is proving very popular at my concerts. I hope to see some of you at my concerts at some point during the year.
All the very best
October 2007
Hello everyone. Well the big news is that my CD is now available and can be purchased at any of my concerts or from this website. On the website you can pay by credit card and we'll send the CD by post. Payments are handled by PayPal and if you haven't used it before its a widely used method of payment over the internet. In particular, details of credit cards are known only to PayPal - not to me. The CD is called "A Little Light Music" with 21 songs and running time 59 minutes. This CD consists of songs from my concert show "A Little Light Music" which contains songs originally sung by singers like Frank Sinatra, Perry Como, Matt Monro, Tony Bennett, Johnny Mathis, Elvis Presley, Nat King Cole and many others. From cool jazz, through relaxing ballads, to music with a big band swing. I'm really pleased with it. I recorded the songs in a studio in Southampton. It was great fun. I've also done a number of concerts over the summer including a 30 minute spot at a fund raising public performance in Horsham. Bookings are already coming in for 2008. I am now in the process of preparing for my Christmas concerts. So I take this opportunity to wish you all a very happy Christmas and all the very best for the new year.
July 2007
Hi there. This has been a good quarter with performances at a Friendly Club, Church Cameo Club, retirement homes and a 40th wedding anniversary. I was delighted to give a performance at the church I attended in my youth in my home town of Clacton. They were celebrating the opening of their new Welcome Centre and I had the honour of being the first to perform in it. It was a great evening. The hilight was my son's wedding in Aberdeen, where I played the organ during the service and gave an entertaining set during the evening. I had the opportunity to perform at a gathering of representatives of the WI and now have a number of bookings from them for next year. Later this month I am going into the studio to record my first solo CD. It will consist of songs from the crooners like Frank Sinatra, Perry Como, Matt Monro, Tony Bennett and many others. From cool jazz, through relaxing ballads, to music with a big band swing. It should be available early in August. Watch this website for further details.
All good wishes for a good summer
April 2007
Hello again. I have done two shows in the winter quarter in residential retirement homes which have both gone extremely well. I have a fuller programme ahead of me. At the end of March I was given the opportunity of early retirement from my day job. You can read about my day job elsewhere on this website. This means that I'm now available during the week as well as at the weekends. I am already getting bookings for midweek performances. I am looking forward to my son's wedding in June, in Scotland, where I am booked both to play the organ during the service and to do the entertainment in the evening. I shall be suitably attired for a Scottish wedding so watch this site for the photographic evidence. I haven't worn a kilt before, particularly not the musical performances, so this is going to be a whole new experience. As I mentioned in my last blog, the daffodils are now in full bloom - indeed in my garden they are beginning to come to the end. But what a marvellous display we have had. The daffodils always remind us that the winter is past and that spring and summer are ahead of us. One of the other things about retirement that I'm very much looking forward to is taking my dog for walks on the Downs. I already do this at weekends, but I'm looking forward to doing it much more extensively. I find walking to be healthy and enjoyable and I much look forward to my trips out. I'm also doing some consultancy work so I don't expect to be bored. But my musical performances are always a pleasure for me - and I hope, also to the audience.
Best wishes
January 2007
Hello to all. All the one man performances went very well in the remainder of the autumn. As well as performing at various retirement homes I had the pleasure of performing my "A Little Light Music" concert for an outreach evening at the same church where I had performed for the 40th wedding anniversary. I was invited back to perform a concert at a church in Lower Kingswood. I have become a featured artist on another Christian internet radio station (BBMI radio) who specifically asked me to record "The Love of God". And two of my hymns were used by Gideons International in Australia as a backing to their promotional video at their national convention. I performed six Christmas Celebration concerts including a public performance at Alfold in Surrey. This was a great concert with a pretty much full house. The hall had a nice stage and I was able to use sound and lights systems to add to the effect.
Hope you all had a great Christmas and are enjoying a peaceful new year. It'll soon be Spring!
October 2006
Hello again.
Well the summer has gone and the autumn concerts have begun. I gave a concert to celebrate a 40th wedding anniversary and a "Good Old Days" concert at a garden party at a residential care home. One of the hilights so far was to appear at the Cafe Studio at Raynes Park where I did a full 2 hour concert of "A little light music". It went brilliantly. And I enjoyed it very much. I gave a concert to celebrate an 80th birthday bash and at another church I did the Harvest supper cabaret!
I am looking forward to more concerts in the remainder of the autumn and a full Christmas programme.
Every good wish
July 2006
Hi there.
We've had a good quarter leading into the summer. I have performed in a number of residential and retirement homes. I had the pleasure of giving a solo concert at St Andrews Church in Devizes, Wilts. I was the cabaret for an 80th birthday celebration and I also performed at a Bible Society event in Farnham.
I am experimenting with "in-ear monitoring". This is a piece of electronic gadgetry which enables you to hear backing music through ear pieces. Its surprising how difficult it can be to hear backing music in some places. Even though the audience may hear very clearly there is often something about the accoustics which makes it difficult for the performer to hear well. We'll see how well I get on with it.
I hope you all have a really good summer and that we get a chance to meet up at one of my public concerts. The autumn and Christmas season look good and I am looking forward to them. But first lets enjoy the summer.
All good wishes
April 2006
Hi to all.
Well, its been a lively opening quarter for the year. And I've even got 4 bookings for my Christmas Celebration show.
I've performed entertainment concerts in 3 residential homes for older folk; taken a Sunday service in an old folks home; performed cabarets and birthday and anniversary celebrations; and performed my "Fun Gospel Music Show" at a church event. All went very well.
I am particularly thrilled to have been asked to appear at the Cafe Studio, part of Lantern Arts, in Raynes Park on Friday 15 September. Do come and see me if you are able.
I continue to be featured on Prince of Peace Radio and my web site gets many hits. I have another web-site which provides Christian music. A lot of it is free and you can download sheet music for choirs and MIDI backing tracks. Some music is for sale.
I like this time of year when the daffodils are out. They make such a great display and remind us that Spring is well and truly here and the summer is just round the corner.
All good wishes to all.
January 2006
Happy new year to everyone.
Christmas is now over. I performed six Christmas concerts including a very successful and enjoyable public concert at the Haven Centre in Crawley Down hosted by Haven Baptist Church.I also had the pleasure of singing in the Ballroom of Ye Harte and Garter, in Windsor, aS an after dinner concert for the Kings Church Primetime Fellowship.
I was also very honoured to be the featured artist on Prince of Peace Radio, a Christian internet radio station ( A number of my Christmas songs were played in the run up to Christmas. The station are continuing to use my everyday songs into the new year. The station has been running for less than a year but already reaches into 143 countries.
Apart from the Christmas concerts I also had the chance to sing in a number of local old folks homes and at Church events. Bookings are coming in for 2006 and I am looking forward to getting back to the normal (as far as anything I do is normal) selection of shows
October 2005
It's been another good quarter. I had a good summer. In August I took the opportunity to go and see as many shows as I could - I regard it as my research project!.
Among various events old folks' homes, I had the opportunity to entertain at a 90th birthday party. It was a full evening with me doing two halves each of one hour. The evening consisted of songs throughout the 9 decades of the life we were celebrating. We finished the first half with the 1950s and some rock and roll!
I also had the pleasure of performing my "Songs of Faith" concert at St Matthews Church, Harwell, as part of the Silver Wedding celebrations of two dear friends from the London Emmanuel Choir. And I was able to do a similar concert at Bromley Baptist Church.
Bookings are now coming in for 2006, including at Christmas! I am meanwhile preparing for a series of Christmas concerts this year, in old folks' homes, churches and even a Ballroom in Windsor. Just across the road from the castle. Not in it! There is one Christmas concert of mine (promoted by Haven Baptist Church) to which all are welcome at the Haven Centre, Hophurst Lane, Crawley Down,West Sussex on Saturday 3 December at 7.30pm. If you can make it, it would be great to see you there.
All good wishes to you all for Christmas.
July 2005
The last quarter has had a good mix of concerts.
I was very happy to be able to give a concert in Rusilip to celebrate the 80th birthday of a dear friend from the London Emmanuel Choir. She looks at least 10 years younger: ah well, that's what singing does for you folks. I hope!
I performed in four retirement homes and gave a concert at the Elmbridge Village (near Cranleigh) where they have a full theatre, stage and grand piano. I was in my element!
I was also pleased to perform at a 50th (golden) wedding celebration in Redhill.
Next quarter I am looking forward to giving a public concert at Green Fields Baptist Church in Tilgate, Crawley. It will be a good evening with a mixture of entertainment and songs of inspiration. So many songs which on the face of it are just for entertainment purposes have very strong inspirational messages in them.
I have been asked to give a concert as part of the Turners Hill Free Church outreach week "Alive 05".
I am finding my style of entertainment can be a very good way of opening a church to the surrounding area. People who might never come to the church for a Sunday service may well come to a Saturday evening light musical concert. My concerts combine fun and inspirational songs with light hearted banter and serious messages interleaving.
I also plan to give a performance to celebrate a 90th birthday and to participate in a silver wedding invitation where all the people from the local village have been invited along.
And I have some bookings from retirement homes where I am always made very welcome.